Friday, 1 June 2012

Rafflesia arnoldii: World's Largest Flower

Rafflesia arnoldii: World's Largest Flower
There is one exotic and rare plant you wouldn't likely want to grow anywhere near your landscape no matter how famous it would make you for doing so. That would be growing the largest flower in the world. This exotic,very rare, speckled, though not particularly pretty, rust colored flower is called Rafflesia Arnoldii. 

Baobab: the Bottle Tree

Baobab: the Bottle Tree
Baobab is the common name of a genus (Adansonia) containing eight species of trees, native to Madagascar, mainland Africa and Australia. Also known as the Bottle Tree, not only do

TagRunner is a reliable software that will bring you ID3 tags, cover pictures and lycrics for your music! TagRunner painstakingly searches for and retrieves automatically all of the missing information for every piece of music in your collection. 

Photo To Cartoon 4.0.8

 This piece of software will allow you to apply pen&Ink sketch effects on your photo or  a sketch effects to a cartoon photo. 

Amorphophallus titanum: the Corpse Flower

Amorphophallus titanum: the Corpse Flower
A flower taller than a man, stinking strongly of putrefying roadkill and colored deep burgundy to mimic rotting flesh, sounds like something from a low-budget science fiction movie. But Indonesia's titan arum—or "corpse flower," as known by locals—is a real, if rare, phenomenon, pollinated in the wild by carrion-seeking insects. This Indonesian plant, called titan arum or amorphophallus titanium, has the world's biggest inflorescence. Due to its fragrance, which is reminiscent of the smell of a decomposing mammal, the Titan Arum is also known as a carrion flower, the "Corpse flower", or "Corpse plant"