Tuesday 24 April 2012

TexNotes Pro


TexNotes Pro
Extremely handy text editor, notes organizer and eBook publisher tool with all the ease-of- use you would expect.
Clean and intuitive user-friendly interface.
Full graphical standard Windows interface.
Low system resource requirements.
Main window snapping to the desktop.
File storage and structure supported with an internal industrial strength database engine.

Productivity Tools to make the difference
Generous amount of menu keyboard shortcuts.
Quick access to functions with a variety of context menus.
Can launch default web browser from TexNotes Pro.
Ability to launch email client directly from TexNotes Pro.
Generous amount of clipart.
Generous amount of icons to customize Outlines, bullets and markers.
Commonly used phrases for speedy text entry.
Powerful and useful annotation facility for adding formatted popup text windows into a note.
Annotation window is freely movable which allows great flexibility for data collection.
Styles library for common text and paragraph styles.
Assign a note as the default and all new notes will be like the assigned note in full, margins and all.
Tabbed Note history with shortcuts to quickly move back and forth
Common Phrases can hold formatted text in hierarchical folders.
Embedded note inside a note, a scrolling editable note window right inside a note.
Live spelling checks the text as you type and automatically marks suspect words.
Quick access to inserting content from other notes or common phrases with the editor’s context menu.
Assign extra information to a note, image or drawing such as extra comments, keywords and author name.
Unique Notebook mode views content in a friendly and customizable manner.
Notebook items can be colored, resized and managed easily - this is your virtual desktop.
Instant access to outline items content using the Notebook commands.
Notebook items can contain thumbnails making easy recognition of items fast and efficient.
Art and Resources explorer gives instant access to your files and clip art.
Files can be fully managed in the Art and Resources explorer with easy drag and drop straight into the TexNotes Pro content.

Tables Support
Insert tables with ease on a note page.
Advanced customizable tables.
Change appearance of borders, cells, background and border colors.
Apply images behind cells.
Allows transparent cell colors.
Change cell padding, spacing.
Variable cell and table widths under your control.
Table properties panel that shows instant feedback.
Import a CSV file, as a table, straight into a note.
Hyperlinks, Bookmarks and Anchors
Intelligent auto-recognition of hyperlinks like e-mail, http and ftp addresses.
HyperLinks can be customized with active colors.
HyperLinks can link to TexNotes Pro own individual Notes with Anchors support.
Ctrl+click on a Hyperlink URL will launch your default Web Browser.
Unlimited Bookmarks to selective notes.
Each tex file can have it’s own bookmarks.
Insert Anchors for jumping to selective paragraphs.
Each Note can have it’s own Anchors.
List all hyperlinks in a note.
Handy preview content when linking to Notes or items.
Ability to link to anchors in a note.
Ability to do a text based search of your notes.
Search has the ability to search for note titles as well as text inside notes.
Simple search facility for a quick search of the current note in either direction.
Use advanced search to search within the open TexNotes Pro file.
Advanced search shows a full list of found results, double-click on a result will take you directly to the note with the search term highlighted.
Search results gives a text extract of where the searched term is found.
Ability to search and replace text in your note.
Printing, Exporting and Importing external documents
Print your Notes easily.
Print single notes, all notes in a tex file, or just selective notes in a notebook.
WYSIWYG Print Preview.
Print/Preview multiple notes, with the option to print notes one after another with a defined separator, in one print job.
Customizable Headers and Footers for printing page numbers and custom headers.
Export individual, selective and multiple notes as RTF, HTML (with or without style sheets) or just plain text.
Native HTML import
Import of plain text or RTF files directly integrates into the Navigator as a Note.
Import an image directly into a Note.
Import Microsoft Word documents directly into TexNotes Pro, if you have Word installed on your PC.
Recognition of formatted text from the clipboard
Older version TexNotes files can be loaded easily.
Import a table of CSV data straight into a note.
Optional JPG conversion on HTML export.
Very Flexible Notebooks and Notes Outline Navigator
Easy access and management of your notes with a structured tree view window.
Notes and Notebooks on the Outline can be assigned individual icons.
Display background image for the Outline and note editor.
Use Duplicate, Copy and Paste commands in the Navigator Outline.
Define the font and color of the Outline text.
Incremental searching for quick access to notes.
Outline has multi select, so you can remove or drag more than one item.
Automatic Outline tree sorting or manual positioning by moving items up, down, left or right.
Unlimited sub-level items for better organization.
Choose from supplied art, different folder icons to spice up items or use your own custom icons.
Comprehensive user-defined folder naming facility.
Flags, such as To Do and Done can be assigned to items.
Flag Markers are customizable.
Customizable display of grid lines, background and more.
Each tex file has it’s own flag markers
Highly customizable Notebook.
Notebook cells can be freely moved and resized or automatically arranged.
Thumbnail previews for images.
Add extra information, such as Author, Keywords, Comments and more.
Increase your efficiency with Drag & Drop
Ability to organize your notes visually by using standard Windows drag and drop.
Drag text or images from Internet Explorer, or other OLE compliant application, directly into a Note.
You can drag Notebooks and Notes from one TexNotes Pro application to a second running copy of TexNotes Pro application straight into each others Navigator tree.
Drag your Notes and Notebooks into each other as sub-Notes and sub- NoteBooks, or
Drag and Drop Notes to customize the order.
Drag styles onto text for instant formatting.
Drag image files for instant paint stamps.
Create and Publish eBooks
eBook publishing so you can create your own stand-alone eBooks.
Royalty free distribution of our GemX Reader application.
Customizable settings for the publication.
Add a custom startup splash graphic with animation.
Publication security by denying controls like selecting text, copy to clipboard and printing.
Build a completely stand-alone exe file.
Your end users doesn’t need to own a TexNotes Pro application to read your publications.
Icon Library

Unlimited number of icons can be added.
Icons can be added and managed within folders.
Icons can be used in the Outline Navigator.
Line vector drawing functions.
Draw arrows, rectangles, ellipses and other basic shapes.
Lines can be freely drawn and used as shape Connectors.
Idea for making flowcharts and other simple vector art work.
Text labels can be assigned to each shape.
Control of text formatting.
Shapes can be filled with solid color or gradients.
Shapes can be semi-transparent allowing shapes to show-through.
Lines can have various thicknesses and have ending arrows.
Drawings can be embedded directly into a Note.
Support for many commonly used image formats.
Display can easily zoom and pan.
Images imported direct to the Outline can be saved back in their original format.
Ideal doodle facility lets you draw freely with your mouse or pen on a special painting canvas.
Painting canvas can be embedded directly into a Note.
Brush style, size and semi-transparent colors are available.
Unique painting stamp lets you paint with an image.
Generous amount of available image stamps available.


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