Wednesday 9 May 2012

Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death syndrome:healthy men who go to bed and never wake up

Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death syndrome:healthy men who go to bed and never wake up

Almost everyone wants to go peacefully in their sleep, but the situation seen in cases of Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome probably isn't quite what they meant. With this sleep disorder, healthy, happy young men go to sleep one night… and never wake up. The situation is on a clear parallel with sudden infant death, which is seen in babies, everywhere; the only difference is that victims of this variety are older, male and most often found in Southeast Asian countries.
It is believed that the victims' hearts simply skip a beat and never start up again. Lacking a more thorough explanation, some make up their own: in Laos, some believe an evil spirit is to blame. This spirit, taking on the persona of a spurned woman, lashes out against the opposite sex. This belief has even inspired some men to cross-dress their nights away, sleeping in women's clothing to remain undetected. Elsewhere, some believe that consuming too many carbs is the culprit

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