Two Headed Cat
A kitten has been born with two faces, and it meows simultaneously through both mouths. However, the cat has a cleft palate and can only eat through one mouth. Only one in a million kittens is born with two heads and it is unusual for this one to be doing so well. In August, a kitten with four eyes, two noses and

A kitten has been born with two faces, and it meows simultaneously through both mouths. However, the cat has a cleft palate and can only eat through one mouth. Only one in a million kittens is born with two heads and it is unusual for this one to be doing so well. In August, a kitten with four eyes, two noses and

one mouth was born in Ohio, but it died after five days. The condition is thought to be more common among snakes and turtles.The cat was delivered in a vet's surgery in Perth, Western Australia, after its mother experienced complications during the birth.Louisa Burgess, who helped deliver the cat told the Australian website "we have seen cats with two tails and extra legs, but not this. "It has a full tummy and it survived the night so that is a good sign. It seems content, it meows and purrs."
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