Saturday 5 May 2012

World's Oldest Lightbulb – Working for 111 years

World's Oldest Lightbulb – Working for 111 years

The world's oldest light bulb has been burning for 111 years - so little wonder it has a fan club with thousands of members and its own website. The so-called 'Centennial Light' has been on almost constantly since 1901. It holds pride of place in Fire Station 6, in Livermore, northern California.

The longest time the Guinness World Record-holding bulb has ever been turned off for is just a week. Dangling above the fire engines, people come for hundreds and thousands of miles to see the diminutive symbol. The bulb was designed by Adolphe Chailet, who competed with the likes of the world-famous Thomas Edison to make the best bulb.


  1. Good point Silent Raven!
    They also generally lasted 2500-4000 hours before GE Philips and Osram got together and reduced it to 1000 hours (the Phoebus cartel)
    They then cooperated again to help achieve the American ban on simple cheap and patent-expired bulbs in 2007, and similarly in the EU, as documented:
    Light Bulb Enlightenment
    Why did the manufacturers welcome the ban?
    Why welcome what you can or can't make? ;-)
